Connection to Plants

Suzan shares that the course catapulted her out of feelings of doldrums and uselessness

This fabulous course of herbalism has been beneficial to me in a myriad of ways. When I began this “green journey”, I was newly retired and had returned to my hometown after being away from it for 43 years. Both of these factors have required huge adjustments on my part. I felt quite unmoored. As

Suzan shares that the course catapulted her out of feelings of doldrums and uselessness Read More »

Eva J remembered that there’s magic all around us

What I appreciated most were Rosemary’s stories and life lessons. Her voice and commonsense wisdom. I found it cozy, thorough, inspiring, and wanting more. I loved the spiritual and mystical aspects sprinkled throughout, and would’ve loved more of that! It benefitted me by reminding me of what’s important, that there’s magic all around us, and

Eva J remembered that there’s magic all around us Read More »

Sherry L. says her journey grew into more than she could have ever imagined!

What began as a simple journey to become knowledgeable about ways to use plants to enhance the health and well-being of my family, grew into more than I could have ever imagined. Rosemary created a beautifully rich program on which I was able to feast and deepen my understanding of using plants as medicine. Her

Sherry L. says her journey grew into more than she could have ever imagined! Read More »

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