One of our favorite things is to hear from our students how the plants have touched their lives. This feedback has kept us inspired to offer The Science & Art of Herbalism for over 40 years!
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Yvonne S. highly recommends this course
December 13, 2019
Several years ago, I ordered “The Herb Quarterly” through a fundraiser for my Girl Scout troop as a means to further my education in the world of herbs and herbology. Often in my practice as a dietitian, my patients come through the door taking various supplements including herbal “pills” in efforts to attain health, without really knowing what they were taking, or they would have questions I couldn’t answer. Being a learner by nature, I ordered this magazine as a first step to advance my study and be a better practitioner for my community. Once I received the first issue, it was clear that I needed a more comprehensive course to initiate me into this new world and I found this course. Despite many life changes for me in the last 3 years, including the loss of my father and my mother’s Alzheimer’s disease, I always came back to the ...
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Kimberly F. says What an amazing and enlightening course!
December 13, 2019
What an amazing and enlightening course! I recommend this to everybody who asks for a good herbal education course. This course was the perfect compliment to expanding my knowledge as a certified aromatherapist and now herbalist. I love how Rosemary doesn’t always give us all the answers (though there are people in the forum always ready to offer help). She gives us guidance on how to find information on each of the many herbs we will be adding to our materia medica. This gave me the confidence to expand upon my knowledge through research and to trust my sources AND my instincts. What a wonderful gift! Kimberly F.
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Sandra N…honored to have studied this herbal medicine course by Rosemary Gladstar
December 6, 2019
The Science and Art of Herbalism home study course is by far the most valuable study course I have studied since graduating from pharmacy school. This study enlighten me on a novice, alternative world of medicine I didn’t know existed. I am honored to have studied this herbal medicine course written by Rosemary Gladstar. Sandra N.
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Elizabeth G. says this course gave structure to her learning process.
September 6, 2019
I think the first way the course benefited me was by giving structure to my learning process. I’ve been learning about herbs, on my own, through different workshops and classes, and with friends, for several years, but until doing this course, I hadn’t really organized the learning process in any way. So that is probably the biggest benefit. This is because it helped me appreciate the amount of studying I had already done and also showed me what areas I had little knowledge of, so I could begin to fill those gaps in my knowledge. The second benefit was that being engaged in this course supported my interest in wild plant identification, and served as a continual motivation for me to not only learn to identify plants discussed in the lessons, but also to learn about common plants in my environment that I wasn’t knowledgeable about. This has been another ...
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Liz K. says This course has enriched my life on many levels!
August 21, 2019
I am so grateful that I was able to learn from Rosemary’s beautiful herbal course The Science & Art of Herbalism. Before I took this course I had already been very interested in herbs, natural healing and home remedies. But now my herb pantry is full of remedies, tinctures, tea blends and so so many exciting herbs I have learned how to use, as well as having so many ideas for how to help deal with different situations and sickness! From this course I have been empowered to dive into different body systems and the specific herbs that help support those body systems and organs to heal and maintain health. I feel very prepared to help with many situations now and having all this information at my fingertips and also knowing how to look up herbs and how to use them (I have some really great books on my shelf ...
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Malorye S. says This is truly an amazing course!
July 20, 2019
This is truly an amazing course! I learned so much, and now I have the confidence to share what I have learned with others. Every module gives you such an in depth view of the human body as well as sensational plant knowledge. I have grown so much while taking this course. My spirit is alive and I look at the world around me with such admiration because of its unique healing ability. Rosemary and her wonderful teachers are an absolute treasure! They love the earth and they respect the plants. They have taught me more than I could have possibly imagined! I highly recommend this course and I am so grateful that it has been a part of my journey! Malorye S
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Mary Katherine H says This course has truly been a part of my life journey.
July 19, 2019
My experience of diving into learning herbs has been a long time in the making and this course was the perfect way to dive in. It contains both in-depth explanations and beginner guides. It provided leads that I could explore further outside the course and lots of links and blogs to widen my view of the use of herbs. I try to suggest this course every time I have a reason. At times, it pushed me to learn about myself as I realized that completing it would not be an overnight task and at other times I realized I was growing as a person as a result of the course. I loved it!! It’s confirmed to me that I need to keep going and learn all I can in this life and help others on their healing journey. When I started this course, I was just about to begin a ...
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Nancy H. says This course has been a turning point for me!
July 4, 2019
This course has been a turning point for me! I have taken other holistic courses, but they did not leave me feeling connected to the herbs they introduced the way this course has! The lessons are nicely structured and packed with useful information! Rosemary writes like she is talking to a friend, making it easy to follow and comfortable. Completing the assignments gave me a ‘hands on’ experience and with each lesson, my confidence at using herbs and the various preparations grew. This course has been a wonderful experience and I am sad to have it end! Nancy H.
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