The moon is full and in all her glory this night. Each month as she ripens to her fullness I’m filled with dreams and visions; sometimes it seems as if my soul will burst. If I do not listen to her, the Moon Mother, then I feel heavy, thick and weighted by ‘ordinary things.’ I sleep beneath the moon in her fullness and bathe in that magic light. It is true, I am moon-struck, a child of Artemis, dreamer of dreams. And I feed that aspect of my being, that Lunar crazy, free side of myself, so that she will not starve or fade away in the trials of daily life.
It is to Luna, seeking dreams in myself, that I make my moon tea, offer my ceremonies and rituals, and find courage to live my dreams.
When the moon is full, suspended on the horizon, I am reminded of the Dreamers Time. I wish to share with you some of my special tools to awaken the Dreamer. Try them when the moon beckons to you, or when the Dreamer wishes to sing out.
Dream Pillow
Old as time, these pillows are made of special herbs to enhance the dreamer’s dreams. Dream pillows have been used for centuries and are just as popular today as they were long ago. They are fragrant, soothing, and comforting to the lover of herbs.
What better way to get to know herbs but to sleep with them! They offer a most fragrant way to drift to sleep, to end a day or begin another. Formulas for dream pillows are as varied as the dreams they inspire! Here is one of my favorites.

Dream Pillow
- 2 parts Lavender
- 2 parts Rose petals
- 1 part Chamomile
- 2 parts Mugwort
- 1/2 part Hops
- 1 part Rosemary
- Mix the herbs together and pour into an 8″ X 8″ or 4″ X 4″ fabric pouch. Use non-synthetic fabric like organic cotton, silk, or muslin.
- It is best to ruffle the pillow a little before sleeping to release its scents and energies.
Sew your pillow into 8×8” or 4×4” squares using non-synthetic fabric. I prefer organic cotton, silk, or muslin. Ruffle your pillow before sleeping to release its scents and energies.
Many people like to scent them with essential oils. When I sold them in my herb store, I generally scented them for marketing purposes. But, in truth, I prefer them unscented. The natural scent of the herbs is what excites and inspires dreams. If you do decide to scent your dream mix, use pure essential oils that are harmonious to the basic herbal blend. For instance, use Lavender, Rose, Chamomile, or Mugwort essential oil.
When I am out camping, I love to take fresh Mugwort, the dreamer’s herb, crush it and place it in my sleeping bag. It is wonderfully energetic and gives me flying dreams…
Dreamer's Tea

Dreamer's Tea
- 1 part Rose petals
- 1/2 part Lavender
- 1/2 to 1 part Mugwort The more, the better the effects; but it’s a very bitter herb.
- 3 parts Chamomile
- 2 parts Chrysanthemum blossoms
- 2 parts Peppermint
- Infuse the herbs. Drink at bedtime.
Dreamer Balm

Dreamer Balm
- 4 oz Coconut oil
- 1 oz Almond oil
- Beeswax (just enough to thicken)
- Sandalwood essential oil
- Mugwort essential oil
- Vanilla essential oil
- Sage essential oil
- Melt coconut oil, almond oil and beeswax together. Add a few drops of each essential oil to scent. Try blending the oils to create a pungent/sweet fragrance.
- Massage it into your temples, the top of your neck and on your heart chakra before bedtime.
You can, of course, formulate your own blend of essential oils for dreaming. Try blending the oils to create a pungent/sweet fragrance. Other oils may be used, or you can infuse herbs such as Borage, Lavender, Chamomile, Sage, Rosemary and Roses into the melted coconut and almond oils. Be inventive! That’s what DREAMS are about.